Punching Bobbin


Dimension either according to customer’s specifications or
GB4004-83,JB/T8997,4-1999, DIN46395 standard
For cable, steel wire, steel rope, copper, aluminium and welding wire
Process one-way or shipping bobbin.


alpha punching-bobbin

Type d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 e L1 L2 V1 dm3
200 200 80 36 8-16 40(60) 150 125 3.3
100 125 100 2.35
250 250 100 190 160 6.6
125 150 125 4.6
315 315 125 236 200 13.1
160 190 160 9.2
355 355 140 75/112 56 16-32 71 265 224 18.7
180 215 180 13.2
400 400 160 300 250 26.3
200 236 200 18.8
450 450 180 335 280 37.4
224 265 224 26.8
500 500 200 375 315 51.9
250 300 250 26.3
560 560 224 236 200 18.8
280 335 280 37.4
630 630 250 475 400 105.1
315 375 315 72.5
710 710 355 100/160 80 28-40 160 530 450 133.6
800 800 400 600 500 188.5
900 900 450 670 560 267.2
1000 1000 500 750 630 371.1
1120 1120 560 850 710 524.6
1250 1250 630 950 800 732.4


alpha punching-bobbin

Type d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 e L1 L2 V1    dm³
315 315 180 158 25/127 16 100 236 200 10.5
200 9.3
224 7.7
355 355 200 265 224 15.1
250 11.2
400 400 224 300 250 21.6
280 16.0
450 450 250 28 335 280 30.8
315 22.7
500 500 280 375 315 42.5
335 30.7
560 560 315 425 355 59.8
400 42.8
630 630 355 475 400 86.2
450 61.1
710 710 400 530 450 121.6
500 89.8
800 800 450 125/127 40 170 600 500 172
560 128



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